In addition to supplying high-quality industrial equipment P.I.A. supports customers during every phase of the project, from planning to construction and commissioning. Our many years' experience have enabled us to establish a large stock of erection materials, allowing us to respond immediately to urgent demands.

 From individual parts...


In order to be able to guarantee this effective service we have established a network of suppliers, with whom we maintain constant and direct contact, allowing us to react to any situation promptly and efficiently.

During commissioning a wide variety of modifications, improvements or challenges may occur. In this situation the smallest component can become the greatest problem. Avoid long interruptions by contacting us - we are always ready to provide immediate assistance. customer own design...

Instrument Protection Tubes

  • For cargo temperature reading
  • Application down to -163°C
  • Manufacturing acc customer specification
  • Penetration and hydraulic testing
  • Final in house third party inspection
  • For temperature reading outside pipe

Conical Strainers

  • design & dimensioning according customer specifications
  • variation of different filtrations
  • unique design monitoring pressure drop


Instrument Protection Cabinet

  • PIA own cabinet design
  • Robust offshore steel construction ( CS / SS )
  • Offshore Painted
  • Equipment acc. customer demands
  • Fully assembled, wired and tested
  • Supply for more than 20 years to the offshore industry


Test Equipment

  • Pressure Tes
  • Temperature Test
  • Field Test


Nitrogen Supply Units

  • Supply of nitrogen supply units
  • Complete design and  manufacturing

Components for Hydraulic System

  • Hydraulic Panels
  • Solenoid Actuated Control Cabinet

Spectacle blind flanges

Gas Detection System


 ...up to ready install systems!




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